Today I would like to talk a bit about the mind-body connection. Many people ask me, "Cortney, why did you decide to put counseling and massage together?" Well, the short answer is that they are two of my passions in life. The long answer has to do with the mind-body connection. I have worked as a massage therapist for a long time now, and I have learned quite a bit through my experiences, and education. The biggest factor in the way we feel physically is the way we feel mentally. Many people do not understand the enormous effect one has upon the other. More recently, there has been a jump in research pertaining to this very connection. People in the mental health field are researching pain, and people in the massage therapy field are researching techniques for mental health. It is a very inspiring time to be on both ends of this research.
However, many people still are not aware, or may not want to be, of this connection. In a recent (2008) study, they connected Fibromyalgia with past trauma. (Something I have been saying for years!) A lot of people are unwilling to admit that there is a possibility that they are holding on to something mentally, and that that can be the cause of their physical pain. Many times it is just easier to take a pill and make it all "go away". That doesn't really work though does it? If you are dealing with a chronic illness, or with chronic pain, I would like you to just keep reading for a minute. You are not face to face with me, or anyone else, you are at your computer or on your phone reading this. Do a little exercise for me. Think back to when your "issue" started. When did you first start having pain symptoms? When did your irritable bowel syndrome start? Now think about your life at the time. What happened that year? The year before? Now when you have your "ups" and "downs" what happened those days? How did you handle the stress? Did you shove it to the back of your mind and keep going? In your past, when that traumatic thing happened, what did you do then? Shove in a dark corner of your mind and keep going? Did you have a mental breakdown? How did you handle it? Did you handle it? If you can't answer these questions, start writing a journal. Keep track of your stress, your dreams, your goals, everything you think or feel. Then look back at it every once in a while and see if there's a pattern. Many people think because they can openly talk about something horrible, that they have gotten over it. Sometimes the lasting effects of a trauma, are much bigger than that. After you have shoved enough stuff deep down inside, and "forgotten" about it, the mental anguish that you have not dealt with starts to manifest itself as physical issues. Eventually, both consume you.
So what do you do about it? Well, you have a couple of options here, you can continue down your path you are on, which I think for some people is what's "comfortable", or you can start to think about some changes. Obviously, this can be a painful process. Most of us like to feel like we are in control of our lives, we are strong individuals who can cope with just about anything. We like to think that nothing can get us down, and that we handle stress better than most people. For some people, that is true. For others it is the farthest thing from the truth. Those deep rooted issues that you have been hanging on to need to be dealt with, talked about, and worked through with a professional. There is a negative stigma on mental health care (and massage therapy for that matter). Seeing a counselor does not mean that you are somehow mentally "ill", it simply means you are working toward being a better person, living a healthier life, and becoming in control of life's stress. While you are coping with the mental part, you also have to work on the physical part. Massage can help with a lot of physical issues, if you find a professional massage therapist who has experience working with people that are dealing with chronic pain or illness. Usually, those of us who have experience treating chronic pain, and illness, understand what you are going through. We can provide you with an environment of non-judgmental, openness and caring.
Basically, treating the mind and body as a whole is the best treatment option for a lot of things!!! I wish I could get more people to understand that. If I could, there would be less pain in the world, let drugs being taken with harsh side effects, and more healthy and happy people!!!
Thanks for reading my blog!! And don't forget to smile!! :)
If you are struggling with constant pain, or illness, please call me, and I can give you a free phone consultation!! (989)573-8225