Monday, November 25, 2013

Massage: Why your NOT too busy, and you CAN afford it.

Hello again blog fans!

Today I would like to talk a bit about the two most common reasons why people say they don't or can't get a massage, time and money. I will start with time. First of all, in a recent study, Russell, Ibuka, and Carr (2008) indicate that Americans spend 35 minutes traveling, 42 minutes waiting, and 74 minutes receiving services at the doctor. That is a whopping 151 minutes, or just over 2.5 hours. Can you imagine if you walked into your massage therapist's office and had to wait 42 minutes? I can't. Massage therapists have way more respect for their clients than that. But when you have a cold that won't go away, or a pain in your back, where do you go? The doctor. For over 2.5 hours, which people apparently have time for. I rarely hear people say they have never seen a doctor because they just don't have time. Now, I understand that some things you have to see a doctor for, because your local massage therapist can not diagnose things. However, there are situations where believe it or not, you could actually save yourself some time, and see a massage therapist. Most people have one locally, so travel time would be much less, maybe 15 minutes. (Trust me, we are everywhere) A massage therapist will never make you wait more than a few minutes in the waiting room, and if they do, find someone else. A typical appointment may take you 60 minutes, but doesn't have to. So maybe at the most, you could get some relief of that pain from when you "slept funny" in about 80 minutes. Which is about half the time you would spend getting muscle relaxers at the doctor. If you have a good massage therapist, the experience should be a lot more pleasant also. 

Now let's talk money. I am aware that most insurances do not cover massage. A 60 minute massage  would end up costing about $60.00 or so. That is a lot of money for some people. However, many massage therapists are looking for clients. Many of us struggle to get by, doing what we love, and are willing to meet your needs financially. Whether that means cutting down your appointment time and targeting areas of tension, or discounting our services to gain clientele. Many therapists will have discounts for returning customers or if you buy several massages at once. It is actually rare for me to charge full price for a massage. Would I like to? OF COURSE!!! However, most people don't think about seeking out massage therapists, so the competition is tough. Anyway, lets talk numbers... For most people I would say a massage ends up being about $45.00 an hour. Many people get massage once a week, for a total of $180.00 a month. Here is what the Mayo Clinic said about massage: 

"Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.
While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage may also be helpful for:
Digestive disorders
Insomnia related to stress
Myofascial pain syndrome
Paresthesias and nerve pain
Soft tissue strains or injuries
Sports injuries
Temporomandibular joint pain".

Although, I am not suggesting massage be a replacement for your regular doctors check-ups, have you recently seen the doctor for any of these conditions? Could it be helpful, and less expensive to see a massage therapist? Yes. Many times, deductibles and co-pays can be just as expensive, and if you don't have insurance, the doctor's bill could be way more expensive!!  Many of these injuries and illnesses can be treated with massage, and the best part? No medicine! No nasty side effects!

So now that you know, NO MORE EXCUSES!!  This is the perfect time to give massage a try! 
You can find the info from Mayo Clinic here:
Remember, keep smiling!! :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mind and Body

Today I would like to talk a bit about the mind-body connection. Many people ask me, "Cortney, why did you decide to put counseling and massage together?" Well, the short answer is that they are two of my passions in life. The long answer has to do with the mind-body connection. I have worked as a massage therapist for a long time now, and I have learned quite a bit through my experiences, and education. The biggest factor in the way we feel physically is the way we feel mentally. Many people do not understand the enormous effect one has upon the other. More recently, there has been a jump in research pertaining to this very connection. People in the mental health field are researching pain, and people in the massage therapy field are researching techniques for mental health. It is a very inspiring time to be on both ends of this research.
However, many people still are not aware, or may not want to be, of this connection. In a recent (2008) study, they connected Fibromyalgia with past trauma. (Something I have been saying for years!) A lot of people are unwilling to admit that there is a possibility that they are holding on to something mentally, and that that can be the cause of their physical pain. Many times it is just easier to take a pill and make it all "go away". That doesn't really work though does it? If you are dealing with a chronic illness, or with chronic pain, I would like you to just keep reading for a minute. You are not face to face with me, or anyone else, you are at your computer or on your phone reading this. Do a little exercise for me. Think back to when your "issue" started. When did you first start having pain symptoms? When did your irritable bowel syndrome start? Now think about your life at the time. What happened that year? The year before? Now when you have your "ups" and "downs" what happened those days? How did you handle the stress? Did you shove it to the back of your mind and keep going? In your past, when that traumatic thing happened, what did you do then? Shove in a dark corner of your mind and keep going? Did you have a mental breakdown? How did you handle it? Did you handle it? If you can't answer these questions, start writing a journal. Keep track of your stress, your dreams, your goals, everything you think or feel. Then look back at it every once in a while and see if there's a pattern. Many people think because they can openly talk about something horrible, that they have gotten over it. Sometimes the lasting effects of a trauma, are much bigger than that. After you have shoved enough stuff deep down inside, and "forgotten" about it, the mental anguish that you have not dealt with starts to manifest itself as physical issues. Eventually, both consume you.
So what do you do about it? Well, you have a couple of options here, you can continue down your path you are on, which I think for some people is what's "comfortable", or you can start to think about some changes. Obviously, this can be a painful process. Most of us like to feel like we are in control of our lives, we are strong individuals who can cope with just about anything. We like to think that nothing can get us down, and that we handle stress better than most people. For some people, that is true. For others it is the farthest thing from the truth. Those deep rooted issues that you have been hanging on to need to be dealt with, talked about, and worked through with a professional. There is a negative stigma on mental health care (and massage therapy for that matter). Seeing a counselor does not mean that you are somehow mentally "ill", it simply means you are working toward being a better person, living a healthier life, and becoming in control of life's stress. While you are coping with the mental part, you also have to work on the physical part. Massage can help with a lot of physical issues, if you find a professional massage therapist who has experience working with people that are dealing with chronic pain or illness. Usually, those of us who have experience treating chronic pain, and illness, understand what you are going through. We can provide you with an environment of non-judgmental, openness and caring.
Basically, treating the mind and body as a whole is the best treatment option for a lot of things!!! I wish I could get more people to understand that. If I could, there would be less pain in the world, let drugs being taken with harsh side effects, and more healthy and happy people!!!

Thanks for reading my blog!!  And don't forget to smile!!  :)

If you are struggling with constant pain, or illness, please call me, and I can give you a free phone consultation!! (989)573-8225

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sciatica Pain... What to do about it??

Thanks for tuning in to another one of my blogs! Today I have talked to several people about sciatic pain. I posted a comment on a blog months ago, and have gotten a lot of questions about what to do about it, why it happens, and why other treatments don't work.So I decided I would write about sciatica today! (I honestly could write about a billion things right now, but since this was the one that has been coming up most today, it must be the one I am supposed to write about!)

Let's start off explaining what sciatica really is. The sciatic nerve runs from the lumbar (lower) spine, through the glutes (butt), and then down the leg. It is one of the largest nerves in your body. It can also be the most problematic. If there is a problem in the spine where the sciatic nerve originates, it can cause an impingement on the nerve, and cause shooting pain through the lower back, into the glutes and down the legs. Tight muscles in the glutes and in particular the piriformis (muscle under glutes) can cause these same sensations. Sciatica can be very painful and debilitating. If you have this, you know! Sometimes people get numbness in the feet, or that "tingling" feeling down the legs, like when your foot falls asleep. This is all from the nerve being irritated by either spinal mis-alignments, bulging or herniated discs, or tight muscles.

This pain is horrible, and many people suffer because they go to the doctor when they are in pain, and the doctor gives them a battery of tests, then sends them home with muscle relaxers and pain killers. Many people say that these medications help, but only for the short term. Then they don't know what to do, and are left to suffer. It is a really sad thing to hear about, because there are things that help with the pain, and dare I say it, may even help better than medication.

The FIRST thing I recommend is what is called a piriformis release. This is the muscle I talked about earlier that is deep to the glute muscles. This muscle many times harbors the sciatic nerve. If the sciatic nerve is running through the piriformis and not just against it, the piriformis muscle getting tight, can cause sciatica (otherwise known as piriformis syndrome). It can cause sciatica either way, but if the nerve is through the muscle, even the smallest amount of tension can cause pain. The piriformis release will be a slightly painful release especially if you are in a lot of pain as it is, but you should feel almost immediate relief (within 24 hours). What is this release? Well, a massage therapist can do this release, not sure of other professionals, maybe a physical therapist, orthopedic doctor, or chiropractor may also know how to do it. However, the release is done while you are laying on your stomach. The therapist (or doctor) will press on the lower to mid part of your butt, with deep pressure. This can be painful, but should NOT, I repeat NOT be higher than a 7 or 8 on a scale of 1-10. It should be what we call "breathable pain". If you have to hold your breath, it is TOO MUCH!!  Do not let the therapist go over an 8, you will not be helping anything, because the muscle will start to guard against the pain (tighten). After the therapist identifies the muscle and puts some pressure on it, you should start to feel it release. Many people say that it feels like less pressure, or like the muscle just "melted". After the release is done, the therapist will have you squeeze your glutes together to "reset" the muscle's memory. Basically, muscles have memory and they will go back to the last known position more quickly if they are not "reset" into a new position. (That's the theory anyway.) After this the therapist may do some stretching on you, or may just work on other areas. This technique is what I get the best results with.

Second, is the psoas muscle. This muscle runs two inches down and two inches over from your belly button. It is very deep in your abdomen and can also cause some back pain. It is good to get this muscle released as well. This release is maybe a little more awkward for some, because it is in the tummy area, but it can give you major relief! The therapist would put their hand on the area, tell you to take a deep breath, and then push their hand into your abdomen until they are on the psoas muscle. (It sounds a lot weirder and scarier than it really is! haha) They will then hold it until it releases. They may also have you clench your abs to reset this muscle.

Thirdly, ICE AND HEAT. Don't use just one or the other. Here's why...  Heat causes inflammation, the last thing you need is more inflammation. However, heat does relax the muscles and this you do need. Ice takes down inflammation which is good, but doesn't do much for muscle tension. So do both! Never do either one for over 20 minutes at a time. I can NOT stress this enough!  Do NOT lay on a heating pack all night! DO not lay on an ice pack all night!! Neither of those things is going to help you, but it may hurt you...  so please, 20 minutes only!

Forth, stretch! That's it, stretch! Stretch the muscles in your lower back and in your glutes. This will help to keep the muscles lengthened and will help them not get tight again.

Lastly, some of these things can be done at home, so please do them, give them a try before you try medication. Obviously, I am not saying not to take medication here!!!  Just that I would like you to try a more natural approach first if you can bare to!!  Also, a tennis ball is your friend!  Use the tennis ball to do the piriformis release on your own. Although it may not be as effective as a highly trained and educated therapist, in a pinch it will work!  ;) Take the tennis ball and put it on the floor. Then, literally sit on the tennis ball and roll around until it is on the lower part of one side of your bum. You will know when you find the right spot because it will feel like you just rammed your bum into the corner of a table. Be CAREFUL! Do not EVER go over your spine with a tennis ball in any way shape or form! This includes your tailbone. Keep the tennis ball to the side. After you find the spot, lay on it until the tenderness or pain subsides, again keeping pain levels lower than an 8. Squeeze the cheeks together, and voila! You have done a piriformis release! Don't forget to do both sides, even if only one side hurts!

I would post instructions on how to self-release the psoas if I knew any, but unfortunately, I don't. I think that one has to be done by a professional. It is my advice that you find a professional to do the releases, because I do think we can pinpoint the muscles better, but if you need some relief now, and you can't afford it, or their is no one qualified in your area, this may help!

I am posting this because I know how many people suffer with this pain. I have been there myself!  It is not fun, and can impede daily life. I do what I do because I like to help people. I hope some of you can find the relief you are needing. If you are in my area, I would be happy to help, but if not and you have questions, please leave them below, I would be happy to answer them for you as best as I can!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to smile!!! :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

So, I'm starting a blog!

Hello, My name is Cortney McLellan. I read somewhere that it is good for business to have a blog. So, I'm starting a blog. Welcome!! A little about me, I am 32 years old, and a mother of 1 daughter who is 13, Hope. I am engaged to Belarmino Alvarez and am planning my wedding June 8th, 2013. I am a certified massage therapist at Kneaded Thoughts in Freeland, MI. I also own Kneaded Thoughts. I attend graduate school at Walden University, and I am working on my Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling.

Yes, I am a busy person! Today, I am not feeling so well.... I have a bit of a cold, that apparently popped up after a long weekend of craziness!!  Friday night I had my daughter and her 13 cheerleader friends at Kneaded Thoughts for a "lock-in". Apparently, I should have hid the coffee!!  :) Needless to say I didn't get much sleep that night. Then on Saturday, to no one's fault other than my own, I went over to my maid of honor's house to discuss wedding plans, and stayed up a little too late!! Spent the night at her house, and went home early Sunday. Took a little nap halfway through watching the Daytona 500, but that apparently wasn't enough to recharge my body, and this morning I have a bit of a cold. Hot Tea, and Thieves oil, are my best friends today!! I will knock this cold out quickly!!

In case your wondering "Thieves" oil is an essential oil blend made by Young Living. It contains Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Rosemary, Lemon, and Eucalyptus. This oil kills bacteria, and boosts the immune system. I swear by it, hot tea, and Halls anytime I have a cold, I use that, and I get better usually in a couple of days.

I would like to start this blog with a little honesty. I love what I do for a living, but getting it all going was (and is still) challenging. From finding people with my same vision in mind, to affording to pay the bills, it has been a rough start! When I came up with the idea for Kneaded Thoughts, I didn't have much...  I had just left a job I didn't care for which wasn't very prosperous either, and before that I had a great job, but couldn't take my clientele with me when I left. So I had mere pennies to my name, but was able to get a small loan from the bank to get started. I did a HUGE remodel on my office space, that took me, and a friend of mine, and half my family, about two months to finish. By the time I was done, I was thankful that I had very supportive parents to help me pick up the slack financially. Even though every month is still a struggle, we are getting there, building clientele, and seeing smiling faces walk out the door. That is what makes all the stress worthwhile.

I also had a vision for a different sort of work environment. My employees can wear what they want (within reason of course), they can stay as long as they want, or just come in for appointments. I provide what they need, and they get to come to work, and do their jobs. They don't have to be pressured by an overbearing boss, they get honesty, and caring, as everyone should. This may not be the best business model, but I can guarantee that if you asked my employees, they would say they love their jobs! The only issue we have is building up a bigger clientele, and that will come with a bit more effort and time. (I am really not the best marketer, but I am learning.) We finally have all of our staff in place, and my vision is starting to come to fruition.

I love the idea of holistic healthcare, of seeing not one, but many different professionals all at the same time. I have found that through this idea, many people are starting to understand the benefits of holistic wellness. Many people don't even know what holistic really means. Holistic means "whole", in our case body mind and soul. It means (to us) that you can't treat one without treating the other. For instance, you can't treat depression without also treating the physical pain and imbalance that goes with it. You can't treat a car accident victim's pain without treating the mental trauma that goes along with it. There are many scenarios in which this is the case. Hopefully, some of which I will be able to discuss further in a later blog. :)

For now, I believe that is enough ranting for today. Be well everyone, and don't forget to smile!!